I don't often have birthday parties as my actual day falls after New Year so most of my friends are away with their families for the holidays. So I planned a post birthday get together for all of my college friends as the two decades needs to be marked with a celebration. After class we went to my favorite secret spot for dinner. I just love how dainty and intimate 10 Dove Street is.
Turning 20 is another milestone from childish heydays and saying goodbye to the frolic of teenage years and into the full throttle of responsibilities. Well even before I turned 20 I've already got my hands full of responsibilities! Aging is not much of a difference as the blog post implies, I am still going on 16. Really though.. Last Monday I went to the bank and chatted with the teller she then asked..
Teller: Highschool?
Me: No, college
Teller: First year?
Me: No senior Ma'am
Teller: Oh this generation is turning younger and younger.
Surprising? No. I'll get to work on that forever school girl look in my favor soon. HA but sometimes I fret upon the weight of not being able to getaway from my usual kooky self and foolish antics.
I hope being 20 will open more doors and happiness for me although I'm pretty much stuck with the chuckle of a childish heart/mindset and especially face.